
Kaira Lip Lightening Scrub is a mild, natural and beneficial lip scrub for dull


Kaira Lip Lightening Scrub is a mild, natural and beneficial lip scrub for dull, dry, darkened and tanned lips.

By removing dead skin cells from the upper layer of the skin it uncovers the natural color of the lips.

Its rich ingredients help to not only lighten the lips but also make them soft, supple and plump. Tanning and darkening of lips can be caused due to several reasons, such as smoking, digestive problems, excessive intake of caffeine or tea, too much sun exposure, etc.

This mild and gentle lip scrub gives nutritious benefits to the lips and causes no harm as it is made of all-natural elements like exotic flowers, fruits, natural oils and no harsh chemicals such as Paraben, and thus it is safe to be used as a regular lip-care regime, too.

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